Decarbonisation is one of the five priority areas defined by Etex in its Road to Sustainability 2030 commitments. The company decided to take part in the First Movers Coalition, a World Economic Forum initiative, to pave the way for the decarbonisation of industries.
The World Economic Forum brings decision-makers and other society leaders together to address the world’s most pressing challenges, including sustainability. The First Movers Coalition (FMC) was launched by US President Biden and the World Economic Forum to decarbonise heavy industry and the long-distance transport sectors responsible for more than one-third of global emissions. The global initiative, made up of 65 companies, including Etex, works to harness the purchasing power of companies to decarbonise seven hard-to-abate industrial sectors that currently account for 30% of global emissions: aluminum, aviation, chemicals, concrete, shipping, steel and trucking, along with innovative carbon removal technologies¹.
Etex decided to participate in the FMC, focusing on cement and concrete, to address the carbon footprint associated with cement production. This coalition of frontrunners seeks to explore options to reduce the carbon footprint of cement used in the building and construction industry by as much as 80% compared to the 2021 US emissions baseline.
In this way, Etex wants to contribute to worldwide advanced R&D developments in the field of cement. Once developed, Etex and other players will help the new technologies gain ground by buying at least 10% near-zero cement per year of their total cement volume by 2030.
This is also entirely in line with Etex’s 2030 decarbonisation ambitions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (intensity of scopes 1 and 2) by 35% compared to 2018.
Read more about Etex’s Road to Sustainability 2030